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Hi, I’m Mark Hammond, president of Legend Financial Services, a reverse mortgage professional since 2003, and I’ll work directly with you on your reverse mortgage. I’m right here in the Utah community have been lending for over 26 years. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of infomercials about reverse mortgages, but I can guarantee they leave out lots of important details. I’ve produced 3 short videos called “Reverse Mortgage Exposed” that fill in those details and give you a clear picture of how they work.
After watching these videos, if you’re interested in finding out how much you qualify for, I’m the most experienced, competitive, and honest lender you can work with. Just fill out the form above and you’ll be emailed the private links to watch the videos right now or just call or text me at 801-808-MARK (6275) and ask me any questions you like.

How do you decide who to use for your reverse mortgage?  A big national company or a local broker like me?

Mark Hammond, Broker/Owner

  • Mark started his family and graduated college in 1994 with a degree in International Relations/Economics, Mark started as a loan officer with a mortgage brokerage firm in 1994 and within 2 years was a branch manager and continued in that position for 4 more years and was the top producing branch out of 50 branches nationwide for the last two years he was there. Mark was always driven to help clients that needed special care or had difficult circumstances and became good at solving people’s financial problems. Other mortgage companies often referred him clients they couldn’t help.
  • As a result, a large mortgage lender recruited Mark to become head of their alternative mortgage division over Utah in 2000. Through its merger with another large mortgage company and even larger bank, Mark became the trusted “go-to” for hundreds of loan professionals to help clients the bank’s regular mortgage division could not help. He trained other trustworthy loan officers and processors and built the division while continuing to service his loyal clients. He worked closely with many bank branches and also with the bank’s “Private Banking” division. There, he also specialized in obtaining “jumbo” and “super jumbo” loans for the bank’s high-net-worth customers.
  • Mark noticed often that brokers would beat the bank’s rates. He once asked a regional manager why the bank’s rates couldn’t be more competitive. The response was, “if we had the best rates we wouldn’t need you,” meaning they relied on their sales force to sell higher rates to make the bank more profitable. So in 2003, Mark started his own brokerage and left the big bank job to be more competitive and take the best care of his clients.
  • His brokerage focused on a more comprehensive approach to financial planning that involved mortgages and other financial products to help clients succeed as a whole financially. Reverse mortgages became a center of focus, as they are such a good tool for seniors to manage their finances and make use of their hard-earned equity for a better quality of life.
  • The crash of 2008 was a difficult time to be in the mortgage business, which all but ceased to exist for a time. Being a broker working from home, Mark was positioned well to weather the storm and even absorbed two struggling mortgage companies and helped their 25 plus employees keep their jobs and continue to provide for their families.
  • Over the years Mark has volunteered with several senior centers, created a networking group for senior-oriented businesses, and served as an ambassador for the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce. He has a vast understanding of senior-related issues like home health care and home care services, bereavement, estate planning, guardianship, and was for several years a financial planner and life insurance agent.
  • Mark has been married for 29 years to his wife, Kameron, who is a real estate professional. Together they can solve almost any challenge you can throw at them. They have 4 adult children. Mark and Kameron enjoy glamping, travel, snowmobiling (Mark anyway), immersive art, and music. Mark is a singer/songwriter and has produced music throughout his life.